The Children’S Museum Winnipeg

The Children’S Museum Winnipeg

The Children’S Museum Winnipeg

The Children’S Museum Winnipeg The Children’s Museum

The Children’s Museum can be found at The Forks near Winnipeg. This museum is located in Manitoba’s oldest train repair plant. This museum is a must-see for all children and adults.

Winnipeggers love to bring their kids indoors in the winter. But regardless of what season you’re here, the Manitoba Children’s Museum is a great pit stop for the whole family. Built in 1889, the museum is one of Winnipeg’s oldest buildings. It also has the longest surviving train repair shop west. Home to a number of award winning permanent exhibits, like Pop m’Art where kids can “shop” for their art supplies in a grocery-inspired exhibit and the create! Children can also explore dairy farming through the “Milk Machine” exhibit. Or, they can wear lab-coats and have fun in the SplashLab.

.The Children’S Museum Winnipeg

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See also  Winnipeg