Petrie Island Beach

Petrie Island Beach

Ile Petrie Island (Baie Est/East Bay).

Ontario Ottawa Riverkeeper Help keep our beaches clean! Download i. Cleaning, the all-in-one app for shoreline cleanup.

(La version francaise suivra) *Note: There are two beaches on Petrie Island sharing common facilities. This beach can be found in the East Bay, where it is less sheltered by a bay. The Ottawa River's new beach is a stunning expanse with beautiful views. There are 12 picnic tables, a interpretation cottage and washrooms. The summer season sees lifeguards on duty every day between noon and 7pm. Volleyball net rentals are available for $14.50 per hour or $49.50 per day.

*Veuillez noter: il y a deux plages sur l'ile Petrie qui partagent les memes installations. Celle-ci est la plage de la baie est et est la plus abritee. Cette toute nouvelle plage d'Ottawa offre une magnifique etendue de sable et une vue splendide sur l'autre rive de la riviere des Outaouais. Les services incluent des toilettes; un stationnement payant; un centre d'interpretation; et 12 tables de pique-nique. Des sauveteurs surveillent la plage de midi a 19 h pendant l'ete. Des filets de volley-ball sont disponibles pour 14,50 $ l'heure ou 49,50 $ par jour .

Updated by Ottawa Riverkeeper (@ottriverkeeper) / Mise a jour par Garde-riviere des Outaouais (@ottriverkeeper)

Get directions to this beach

Petrie Island Beach

Ile Petrie Island, Baie Est/East Bay

Ontario Ottawa Riverkeeper Keep your distance from other people.

It's still important to maintain social distancing. Only go to the beach if you are able to keep 6 feet or 2 meters away from others. Refer to the local health authorities for further information. If you have been asked to stay inside and not be around others by your community, then do so. It is not a good idea to spend a whole day in crowded places. This will only make it worse for the people most at risk.

See also  Diefenbunker Museum

Met water quality standards less than 60% of the time

Historical Status

This is based the last sample that was collected on August 28, 2021. Ottawa Riverkeeper keeps you informed about the current status of this beach, as soon as results from tests become available. These results were posted to Swim Guide on August 30th, 2021 at 9:27 AM.

For water quality icon legend, click:

Please help keep the beaches clean. Download i. Clearup, the ultimate shoreline cleanup tool.


Petrie Island Beach

Drone goes on Wild Goose Chase to Protect Canadian Beaches From Feces

One and only city solves the beach problem.

July 27, 2013 — While they may seem majestic, flying high in nearly symmetrical Vs through the air, on land geese can cause a lot of trouble. They can disrupt traffic. They can terrorize gorillas But on Petrie Island in Ottawa in Ontario, the tables have turned. The city used dogs and decoys in an attempt to attract the geese to other islands or to drive them away. But now, it is using a drone as a solution to the island's problem with gooses.

Steve Wambolt, the owner of Aerial Perspective , originally asked the city how his drones could be of use from a photo-taking perspective. ABC News told him that he had approached the city about a photograph opportunity. They asked me if they could help with the removal of the geese. Bob Monette from Ottawa City Council said it wasn't actually the geese who were creating problems for Petrie Island. "It's their excrement," he said. One and a quarter pounds per goose could produce feces every day. Goose poop was not only a problem for shoes but also posed a risk to the health of the community because it contained bacteria. Monette said, "We do an E.coli count on Petrie Island every day." The department of Health has very strict guidelines that prohibit people from swimming if their count exceeds 100. A high E.coli count forced Petrie Island's east coast to be closed for 13 consecutive days last year. Wambolt offered to remove the problem of avian poop from the city councillor. First, however, he had to make major changes to the drones. Monette said to him that the camera had drastically changed the way the drone flew. "I was grabbing stuff from Radio Shack and hodgepodging stuff together to get the weight and balance right," he said.

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He was able to build the drone which he trademarked the Goosebuster. Canada has a patent. Petrie was able to use the drone for the first time in July after several tests in May.

Due to its six 10-inch diameter rotors, the drone can fly at 26 inches. The drone is equipped with bright lights and speakers that look like a police siren. However, it doesn't always need to be activated all of the whistles and bells on the Goosebuster.

Wambolt described his approach to the Goosebuster as "moving it forward, then pulling it back at a fifteen-degree angle". Wambolt's piloting style produces a distinctive sound and substantial downdraft, which the geese can feel. We are about 30-40 feet from the geese and then they fly off. The majority of them also stay off Petrie Island. Monette said that before Steve initiated the pilot program, there were approximately 140-150 geese visiting the island each day. "Steve drastically reduced the amount of geese that come back to the island." He says that the number of geese returning to the island is only between 12 and 15.

Monette noted that E.coli numbers have declined since Goosebuster's sweeps began. "This year, since the pilot project [started] in late July, the beach has not been closed once," he said. While there are many variables that could have been incorporated in the E.coli count, the Goosebuster seems to be the most effective. It has allowed residents to continue using the beach for the entire summer. Goosebuster is set to close its inaugural season in October. If it succeeds in keeping geese at Petrie Island's beach, the councillor may expand its use to other city beaches.

See also  Canadian Museum Of Nature

.Petrie Island Beach