Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning Usps

Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning Usps (+ Common Faqs)

The United States Postal Service works like an engine, serving millions and making sure that packages reach their destinations quickly.

USPS Tracking can be updated throughout the day as new circumstances arise. One such message that may appear is Awaiting Delivery Scan.

  • But, what does “Awaiting Delivery Scan” mean? This is all you need to know!
  • Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    What will the Awaiting Delivery Scan Indicate for USPS In 2022

    The Postal Service’s Tracking Tool often shows that the parcel is in possession of the carrier but not delivered by 2022. Also, the notification can mean that the item was delivered but not scanned or that item was delivered but got lost.

  • Truth be told, the term “Awaiting Delivery Scan” can refer to a few things. Let’s dive into those meanings. Keep reading for all the details!
  • Why does your USPS mail say “Awaiting Delivery Scan?”

    There are several reasons why a package, which says “Out for Delivery” in the morning, might say “Awaiting Delivery Scan” by the afternoon.

    First, let’s note that mail carrier have several options when scanning packages just before delivery.

  • Now imagine your package going from “Out for Delivery to” to “Awaiting DeliveryScan.”
  • This is because the delivering carrier of your mail has actually physically taken it into their possession.

    Also, the post carrier could have been scanning parcels for delivery to determine if they were going through them, and then sorting them in their truck.

  • Package Hasn’t Been Delivered Yet
  • One reason your package might be marked “Awaiting Delivery Scan”, is because the parcel is still in the hands of the postal carrier but has not yet been delivered.

    It means that the carrier intends to deliver your parcel the next day.

  • Package Got Hidden
  • One more: I discovered a few cases where the parcel of the recipient “slipped through the cracks,” getting hidden underneath a seat, or behind bigger packages.

    If a carrier has already scanned the parcel and marked it “Awaiting Delivery Scans”, this status will remain for a few more days.

    The recipient must wait for someone to find the package. It is at least comforting to know it does not necessarily signify that anything has been lost.

  • This Package Was Not Updated, But It Was Delivery
  • Sometimes, notifications can also accidentally be applied to a delivered package.

    Post carriers automatically update their status by scanning the barcode from shipments while they are on route.

    Mail carriers can be human and pick up the wrong status, or even forget to update.

    Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    How Long Does It Take USPS To Scan Your Package?

    The time taken by the USPS for scanning your packages depends on many factors.

    That means scanning every package in an orderly facility, or on a delivery vehicle, will take more time.

    It might not take the Postal Service long to scan an item. However, it may take them just minutes on some days and hours on others if they have a backlog.

    Additionally, if you notice that your package has gone from “Out For Delivery” to “Awaiting Delivery Scan,” you will have to sit tight while the mail carrier does their work.

    Be aware that the carrier might not update your delivery status after the package has been delivered.

    Are Packages able to be delivered without being scanned and inspected by USPS

  • Carriers can still deliver packages without scanning it as delivered. However, the package might still be marked “Out For Delivery” and “Awaiting Delivery Scan.”
  • The Postal Service makes every attempt to maintain packages’ scanning up-to date. But, human error is possible.

    This is not a problem if you are concerned.

  • By this time, your package tracking data should have been updated from “Awaiting delivery scan” to “Delivered”.
  • Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning USPS (+ Common FAQs)

    What Does “Awaiting Item”, USPS, Mean?

  • While the term is used in the same way, it refers to different package statuses. For example, “Awaiting Shipping Scan” can be used for “Awaiting Shipment Item”.
  • However, USPS’ “Awaiting Items” is at the start of a parcel’s journey to its destination.

    It actually happens so early that the Postal Service does not even have possession of it yet.

    You can find the tracking number and label here. However, it is not in the possession of the Post Office.

    If you want to know more about USPS please visit our USPS blog posts. They cover how long USPS parcel pick takes, what USPS packages are covered, as well as whether USPS packages can be scanned.

  • Conclusion
  • It’s not uncommon for USPS to say that your tracking states “Awaiting Shipping Scan”. This can actually mean several different things.

    Positively, your parcel should arrive soon.

    Why is my Usps box stating that I am awaiting delivery scan?

    USPS uses scanners to monitor/track each parcel’s progress, and determine whether it has been delivered. If it says “awaiting delivery scan,” that means it is in the delivery boy’s ownership yet has not been “scanned” as delivered.1 Jan 2022

    What does Awaiting Delivery mean?

    Simply, it means your package is at the delivery terminal.

    .Awaiting Delivery Scan Meaning Usps (+ Common Faqs)