What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For Usps? + Other Faqs

What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For Usps? + Other Faqs

You can expect to be surrounded by some very prestigious things when you work for the United States Postal Service, such as the extensive federal benefits package.

It is because of this that the USPS hiring procedure can be very intense and lengthy. This could have caused you to be stuck in the Offer Phase Ext part of the process.

What does the Offer Phase Ext signify for USPS staffing? Is it good news or bad? These are the facts.

What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For USPS? + Other FAQs

What does Offer Phase Ext mean for USPS?

The USPS Offer Phase Ext is the last step in the hiring process. The USPS Offer Phase Extension has reached this stage. Potential employees have already accepted an offer, had their fingerprints taken and been drug-tested.

  • These FAQs will help you understand the time it takes to complete this step, determine if your job is really for you, and which Offer Phase Ext phase falls within the entire hiring process.
  • What is the USPS Phase Ext?

    My research shows that while the USPS offers phase ext of the hiring process for the USPS is very close to its end, it can last for quite some time.

    Reddit has some comments that claim they are “stuck” with this hiring purgatory since weeks.

    Respondents to an Indeed thread shared that they have been in the Offer Phase Ext group for over a month.

    USPS does not have to fill an urgent job. They will take their time with the hiring process.

    If you are currently in the Offer phase Ext category and have completed some steps after submitting your application, please don’t panic.

    Prepare to wait at least a few weeks, up to a month or even three months. Although it can sometimes take so long, that is just the way USPS works.

    Overall, The Postal Service is a diligent employer who has an eye to its budget.

    They are federally connected, but USPS is an autonomous agency of the executive branches of government.

    This means the president cannot appoint U.S. PostmasterGeneral (the head the agency)

    There are two options: he/she can nominate the members of the postmaster’s advisory board or vote them out.

    This independence comes at a price, though – they do not accept taxpayer funding to keep the agency solvent.

    All of their operational costs, however, are generated from postage/services sales like stamps and the various shipping classes.

    Hiring employees can be an expensive endeavor (the time investment alone necessary to train! ).

    So USPS wants to ensure that they are hiring the best candidates and the ones most likely to stick around for a while; they want to get good ROI, like any business.

    You shouldn’t be concerned if the Postal Service hires you faster than Kroger, Target or other stores.

    According to people who have been in your shoes, when you reach Offer Phase Ext you’re in the home stretch.

    Important aside: Some people have reported that their account still shows Offer Phase Ext despite having been working for the company for months.

  • That doesn’t mean you should take it as an indicator that you are really qualified for the job!
  • What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For USPS? + Other FAQs

    What Does the USPS offer in Phase Ext mean?

  • New hires as well as current Postal Service employees agree that Offer Phase Ext represents the “home stretch”.
  • That means you are done with the most part of your job search. Congrats on that, because it was not easy!
  • The background check has been completed. You also have taken drug testing and your fingerprints were taken. You and USPS have now waited for those results.

    According to study-education.com the next step would be your orientation letters.

    You are basically conditionally employed at this stage, provided that you have passed your screenings, tests, and other requirements.

    Be patient. Even though you may be a conditional employee the waiting time could last for up to 3 months.

    How do you hire USPS employees?

    You might be wondering how Offer Phase Ext fits within the larger picture of the hiring process.

    Below is an overview.

    Wait to find out if you are a match for their requirements. You will be invited for the Postal Exam 473. For you to be eligible, your score must reach 70. If you score above 70, then you might be asked to participate in a group or one-on-one interview. In reality, it is possible to be invited for both.

    Additionally, this is the point where you can be added to the pre-hired staff.

  • Throughout this process, hiring personnel is basically putting together a file/report that can be reviewed. The background screening will take place and you’ll be asked to give your permission. If you still appear to be a good fit, at this point USPS may extend a conditional offer of employment. Once you have been fingerprinted, USPS will call to conduct a drug testing. This is the point that you are in the Offer Phase Ext. Waiting and waiting will be your best strategy. You might get an orientation letter after you’ve passed your screenings and all tests. It’s a good sign, as if orientation is attended and you still want to do the job, you will likely be offered an orientation letter.
  • Please keep in mind that the above is an overview only and can vary between Post Offices depending on their processes.

    To know more about USPS, you can also see our posts on USPS pre-hire list, if USPS is a federal job, and the USPS orientation.

  • Conclusion
  • It is a good indicator for potential employees that the USPS Offer Phase Ext component of the hiring process will be successful. They believe that you will be a valuable member of their team.

    The majority of this phase is where you’ll just have to wait as USPS performs its background checks and obtains the results for your drug tests.

    It could last up to three months, so use this time to mentally prepare for the exhausting, but fulfilling, road ahead.

    .What Does Offer Phase Ext Mean For Usps? + Other Faqs

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