Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters

Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

Shoplifting costs Walmart $3 billion annually. So it’s no wonder then that they have such an extensive system for preventing theft and catching the perpetrators.

Recently, retailers like Walmart have been pushing for harsher charges on shoplifters to prevent such losses. Walmart successfully builds cases against repeat offenders to accomplish this. Let me tell you what I found.

Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022?

Walmart does build cases on shoplifters for any theft over $25 as of 2022. Walmart employs Loss Prevention Associates to identify and profile repeat shoplifters. Footage from surveillance cameras is never deleted, and all transaction records are checked and filed. All of this data can be used in cases against shoplifters.

  • Find out more about how to build a case and prevention associates. Keep reading!
  • How Much Do You Have To Steal From Walmart For a Case To Be Built?

    Walmart typically doesn’t detain shoplifters who are worth less than $25.

    They will ask you to return your items, and then they’ll tell you to leave. Class 6 felonies are those whose value is $1000-$2000.

    It could lead to the victim facing a 1-5 year sentence or up to $2500, and no more than 12 month imprisonment. Anything over $2000 can be considered a Class 5 felony, which could lead to up to 10 years imprisonment.

    Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

    Is Walmart able to keep track of shoplifters in its database?

    Walmart will record your arrest if you shoplift at Walmart.

    Walmart has a good record of shoplifting in its stores. They can also check to see if any shoplifters are currently being charged.

    Walmart has photos of shoplifters. Loss Prevention Associates also keep records of repeat offenders.

    What does it mean to be a loss prevention associate?

    It is the job of a Loss Prevention Associate to recognize and reduce theft at retail stores. The associates patrol stores and look out for suspicious behaviour. They blend in with customers.

    That is because they usually wear street clothes so that they don’t draw attention to themselves.

    They are responsible for apprehending shoplifters once they have left the store, filing reports on shoplifting incidents, and creating theft prevention strategies.

    Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

    Walmart to Ban Shoplifters at First Time For How Long?

    Those who are charged with shoplifting from Walmart receive a lifetime ban.

    There is no guarantee that this ban will ever be lifted. You could also face criminal prosecution if your Walmart is the same one where you took your stolen items.

    Walmart is concerned if someone steals

    Walmart considers theft serious and spends a lot of money on loss prevention.

    You are more likely to be caught stealing from Walmart than you would think. The store may not drop the charges. Your criminal record may be heightened and you could face a lifetime ban at all Walmart locations.

    Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

    Walmart has facial recognition

    Walmart has image recognition cameras installed at self-checkout. These cameras do not include facial recognition cameras.

    They are focused on the product and not the face of customers. Their goal is to lower the percentage of unsscanned or unpaid merchandise leaving the store and not follow the tracks of shoplifters.

    Walmart How does it know that you are stealing?

    Walmart stores come with many security safeguards to make sure that no thieves get into their stores.

    Walmart hires Loss Prevention Associates to detect shoplifting. These associates are also responsible for surveillance cameras, product security labels, and AI image recognition at checkouts.

    Learn more about my detailed guide on Walmart’s Shoplifter Tracking and Technology.

    Does Walmart Build Cases On Shoplifters In 2022? (Warning)

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